John Wrighty is a police officer, he is also a victim of domestic violence. John's story begins with 'The Incident'
'I think it is best to start describing the actual incident a few months before it happened as this will help you understand where my head was at, at the time of the incident. Many people ask me why I stayed with her. I don’t fully know. It may have been my kids. I did love her but she had a hold on me which I could not shake whatever she did to me, I just came back for more. I was isolated and exposed at the same time. She left me with no support that I could turn to or rely on....please go to John's blog and read his experience as a victim of domestic violence.

'I think it is best to start describing the actual incident a few months before it happened as this will help you understand where my head was at, at the time of the incident. Many people ask me why I stayed with her. I don’t fully know. It may have been my kids. I did love her but she had a hold on me which I could not shake whatever she did to me, I just came back for more. I was isolated and exposed at the same time. She left me with no support that I could turn to or rely on....please go to John's blog and read his experience as a victim of domestic violence.
According to recent British Crime Survey statistics, a third of domestic violence victims are male (posed by model)